Hosted by Palm Beach Atlantic University Tuesday & Wednesday, March 19-20, 2013
Primary Investigator / Lead Presenter
First Last
Co-Investigators / Co-Authors
Faculty Sponsor (If Applicable):
Name First Last
Status Faculty Graduate Student Undergraduate Student
Please choose your major or department.
Are human subjects involved in your study? Yes No
If yes, have you completed the documents required by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) AND received approval to conduct your study? Yes No Not yet, but I will soon
Are vertebrate animal subjects involved in your study? Yes No
If yes, have you completed the Animal Use proposal Form required by the Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee (IACUC) AND received approval to conduct your study? Yes No Not yet, but I will soon
Type of Submission (Please Pick One): Oral Presentation Poster Session* Live Performance
Abstract:(MINIMUM of 50 words and a MAXIMUM of 150 words. Abstracts longer than 150 words will NOT be accepted. It is advisable that you compose your abstract in a word processing program and then cut & paste into the form.)